Contact information

25 B, Sector 32 Gurugram, Haryana 122002

We are available 24/ 7. Call Now. 7838050187
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Gurugram based Dental Joy offers a range of services, including high quality dental care in a relaxing and comfortable environment equipped with the latest technology to provide a complete range of treatments; including cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, prosthetics, children’s dentistry, veneer placements and orthodontics. But Dental Joy faces Challenges in attracting new patients and retaining existing ones in competitive markets due to visibility. Dental Joy often faces competition due to less activity.


Our process

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Dental joy is dedicated in providing exceptional dental care in comfortable and welcoming environment. Keeping oral health as priority, they strive to deliver personalized and comprehensive services to meet your unique needs. Their complete team functions with the sole purpose of ensuring complete patient care and satisfaction, and this dedication is what they have always set us apart from their counterparts.

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Besides having latest technology and complete range of treatments Dental Joy was not visible in online market and thus resulted in a smaller number of Appointments, faced difficulties in retaining old pateints. Dental Joy often faces competition from other practices in the area, requiring them to differentiate themselves and demonstrate their unique value proposition to potential patients.

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Growth Yogi helped dental joy in building its strong online presence, and grew its business by designing a user-friendly and visually appealing website for them, Optimized the website for search engines (SEO), website content, meta tags, and other on-page elements to improve search engine rankings to improve visibility in search results. Ensured that the website is mobile-friendly for a better user experience. Created Blog posts, articles, and videos. That can establish the clinic as an authority in the field and attract potential patients. Encouraged satisfied patients to leave positive reviews and addressed any negative feedback professionally

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After, partnering with Growth Yogi, their presence on local business enhanced. Also, drives more traffic to the clinic's website and Well-executed content marketing strategies attracted many new visitors included renowned East Pacific Asia Universe 2023 Mrs. Universe Vaishali Dhanda and certified face yoga & yoga coach Sumedha. Generated qualified leads for the clinic, Increased engagement on social media platforms lead to enhancing of local reputation. regular communication helps in retaining existing patients by keeping them informed about promotions, new services, and general oral health tips. After all the marvellous efforts by team of Growth Yogi, Dental Joy’s revenue doubled in just 3 months.

Work We Finished

In vel varius turpis, non dictum sem. Aenean in efficitur ipsum, in egestas ipsum. Mauris in mi ac tellus.

50 +
Years of operation
180 +
Projects deliverd
336 +
32 +
Years of operation
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